Member Representation Groups

There are member representation groups as follows: one for Division 1 (K-3), one for Division 2 (4-6), one for Division 3 (7-9), one for Division 4 (10-12), one non-school-based representative (for those who work in non-school-based settings) and one principal representative that you elect to serve on the Executive Committee.

The function of the group(s) shall be to meet as necessary to pursue matters which are of interest to the member representation group(s) and to represent these interests to the committees or assemblies of the Local.

You can connect with your representative via email below.

If your concern is specific to you or your school/colleagues, please contact Catherine LeBlanc, Executive Staff Officer, in the Local's office.


Division 1 Representative

Cheryl Trachimowich


Share your Concerns/Questions with your Division 1 Representative

Division 2 Representative

Jared MacLeod


  Share your Concerns/Questions with your Division 2 Representative

Division 3 Representative

Dahlia Holtet


  Share your Concerns/Questions with your Division 3 Representative

Division 4 Representative

Jennifer Bredo


  Share your Concerns/Questions with your Division 4 Representative

Principal Representative

Christina Jones


  Share your Concerns/Questions with your Principal  Representative

Non School-Based Representative

Richard Svekla


  Share your Concerns/Questions with your Non School-Based Representative