Teacher Development Fund (TDF)

December 16, 2024

Teacher Development Fund (TDF) applications will be accepted beginning 8:30 am on January 6, 2025.   

Please ensure that you read through the Guidelines before applying! Click on the 2024-25 Teacher Development Fund Guidelines link  below to access the guidelines and google forms. The application forms are embedded into the document.

2024-25 Teacher Development Fund Guidelines

Highlights of some of the changes:

  • The two-year individual maximum is $2,800. (This is the first year of the next two-year cycle.)
  • The annual group maximum is $2,000 per group member to a total maximum of $10,000 per group. (A group is two or more members.)
  • We are no longer accepting receipts for meals - a new per diem has been introduced.
  •  There are no longer paper forms - we've moved to Google forms for the application and expense claim process. Links to the forms are embedded in the Guidelines document.
  • We are no longer covering non-instructional fees for post-secondary courses.

 Questions? Contact us in the Local office - tdf@edpub.org.


Not sure where to look for additional Professional Development Opportunities? Contact the ATA Library! They have a general list of organizations in Alberta that provide professional development opportunities for teachers.