(posted after Feb. 20)
Member at Large
Four (4) to be elected
Click HERE to access Amanda’s poster.
Amanda Freeman is a current member of your Teacher Welfare Committee, including sitting on the Negotiating Sub Committee and the Teacher Development Fund Committee. She was a fierce advocate for elementary teachers at the local bargaining table this past round. Amanda is a new administrator at Svend Hansen, a large kindergarten to grade 9 school. Her experience as an elementary teacher for 16 years, and as an administrator, offers a unique perspective to concerns surrounding the collective agreement and member realities. Upholding the new collective agreement, bringing member’s concerns forward to the central table bargaining team and providing transparent and ongoing communication to Local 37 members in the work of the Teacher Welfare Committee for the next two years. Amanda has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to this work as well as other work she has been engaged in with Local 37 for the past 10 years, including attending ARA, Summer Conference and Collective Bargaining Conferences.
Click HERE to access Amanda’s video.
Click HERE to access Lee’s poster.
My name is Lee Hrycun and I am running to be your Representative at Large for the Local 37 Teacher Welfare Committee. I started my teaching journey coaching the sport of football. Now, after 21 years I have found a new passion. I decided to hang up my whistle and spend my time at the negotiating table.
I attended the Teacher Welfare Bargaining Training at Summer Conference where I learned how complex and intensive the bargaining process can be. This further helped to reinforce that this is where I want to be. I’m currently teaching at Jasper Place High School, experiencing the ‘eight out of eight’ scheduling reality. I plan to bring my experience & talents to the table as we fight to improve the classroom conditions for both students and teachers.
My desire is to see our members more engaged with the bargaining process and to embolden them to take steps necessary to fight for what we deserve. I believe we learned something very important during this last round of negotiations as we stood together as a unified force. The solidarity I witnessed has truly inspired me to become more involved with the local and give back to my profession, but specifically to my fellow colleagues in Edmonton Public. I know I can succeed as the voice of the rank and file teacher, fighting for improvements now, but also for the profession as a whole.
Please vote Lee Hrycun (March 19th – 21st) to be YOUR voice at the table.
Click HERE to access Lee’s video.
Click HERE to access Dolph’s poster.
Good day fellow teaching professional.
My name is Dolph Shaw and I would love your vote to become a member of the TWC (Member at Large) and ultimately the NSC chair for this next round of local negotiations.
I am a proud teacher of 30 years who has taught all subject areas from Kindergarten to grade 9 in both English and French. I have been active with the ATA since I was a university student; what seems to be a lifetime ago. I have been on several ATA and district committees as:
- a continual ARA delegate (20 times?),
- a NSC member (your Negotiating Sub Committee of the last 2 rounds of local negotiations),
- a TWC member (Teacher Welfare Committee for the last 4 rounds of local negotiations),
- a 6 year GETCA (Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention) member, filling the roles of VP of Facilities and Treasurer
- a provincial ATA Pension Councilor (9 years).
It has been my absolute pleasure to serve my teaching community over these years and it would be an honour to continue to serve as a TWC member and ultimately the NSC Chair in the next round of local negotiations.
Thank you,
Dolph Shaw
Click HERE to access Dolph’s video.
Click HERE to access Lyle’s poster.
What would make your school day GREAT?
I am Lyle Watling, a third-generation settler on Treaty 6 territory. I teach Div. 1 Interactions (loving it) at Athlone School. My skill set in labor relations includes being a graduate of the Negotiation and Mediation program from the JR Shaw School of Business @ NAIT, studied labor relations, contract negotiation and organizational theory in my Doctor of Healthcare Administration degree, trained in Staff Wellbeing with the Health Sciences Association of Alberta, studied workload assessment in earning the Leadership and School Management certification from Harvard School of Business; spent many years serving in a variety of roles with the Local and Provincial ATA and; teaching experience in all of the four divisions.
My colleagues, we are entering into a new mindset in local negotiations. Many of the issues that we face daily can and must be addressed during local bargaining. We have shown that we are willing to step up and help our colleagues who are not being served well by our employer. My platform is to stop the constant deterioration in our working conditions. I am feisty and I will lead the charge in our negotiations to ensure that teachers have a meaningful say on matters that affect them, I would be honored to represent you on the Teacher Welfare Committee.
Stand Up ! Stand Tall ! Stand Together !
Vote Lyle
Click HERE to access Lyle’s video.
Click HERE to access Kim’s poster.
My name is Kimberley (Kim) Webb. I am a Division 3 and 4 Math and Science teacher, currently teaching at Queen Elizabeth High School. My career-long involvement with the ATA began at the local level with Rocky View Local 35 in 2002 as CSR, then as member and chair of the Social Committee. When I joined EPSB 16 years ago, I became involved with the Outreach Specialist Council (OEC), where I served over 5 years as a Conference Director and then as President. I have also served as COR (CSR) for my schools over these years. In 2018 I joined GETCA as a General Committee (GCC) member, working to help put on our amazing conventions. That same year I was elected to our local Teacher Welfare Committee (TWC) as a Member-at-Large and currently chair the committee. My experience, commitment, and consideration for my fellow teacher’s scaffold my skills as a proven team player. I have transferred these skills into my work on behalf of teachers of all levels as a member of our TWC and want to continue to do this work. Please consider me as your TWC Member-at-Large!
Click HERE to access Kim’s video.
Click HERE to access Alec’s poster.
Alec Wright (he/him) is a substitute teacher working in Edmonton. He has been an active member of Edmonton Public for the past five years. As a two-term Substitute Teachers Committee Chair, Alec has served as an advocate of the professional practice and interests of substitute teachers in the Local and in the province. Alec strives to serve his community and works towards an equitable and sustainable future.
No video available.
Div. IV Rep.
One (1) to be elected
Click HERE to access Chandra’s poster.
I have been teaching with Edmonton Public Schools for seventeen years, and am proud to work at Eastglen as the Department Head of English. I’ve been enthusiastically involved in the work of Edmonton Public Local 37 for a decade, including serving as chair of the Social Committee, and as a member of the Member Wellness Committee, the Political Engagement Committee, the Women in Leadership Committee, the Educational Issues Committee, multiple ARA Steering Committees, and the Council of Representatives. I have also served in numerous positions with the ATA’s English Language Arts Council throughout my career, and am currently completing my second term as President.
I’m running to be the Division IV Representative of the Teacher Welfare Committee because I believe passionately in the importance of public education, and that teachers’ working conditions are students’ learning conditions. As a high school English teacher, I have years of first-hand experience in the countless ways that our jobs and classrooms have become increasingly more demanding, from ballooning class sizes, to working 8/8, to attempting to meet the needs of increasingly complex student bodies. I want to provide a strong voice for these Division IV concerns and more at the bargaining table. I’m inspired by the solidarity and strength demonstrated by my Edmonton Public colleagues in the last round of Local bargaining, and I am eager to contribute to furthering our fight. I'm asking to be your voice at the table, to advocate for YOU. Please vote Chandra Hildebrand for Division IV Representative.
Click HERE to access Chandra’s video.
Click HERE to access Tim’s poster.
Tim Roden for Teacher Welfare Committee, Div. IV Representative - Biography
Previous Journey
● B.Comm. where I studied employment and labour law
● Construction industry
○ Trained in ‘Non-Adversarial Bargaining’
○ Active member of the owners negation subcommittee, concluded a collective agreement (this has given me insight into the ‘other side’)
Current Journey
● High school teacher for more than 20 years
○ I have taught Mathematics and CTS Business courses
○ Variety of settings: ME LaZerte, Centre High and Metro Continuing Education as well as summer school
● Division IV Representative of our local TWC (2018-2020)
○ Completed Teacher Welfare Education Program
■ Level 1 and Level 2
Click HERE to access Tim’s video.